Friday, December 20, 2019

The Bad and the Buried - 673 Words

When you think of the names Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong, what comes to mind? It is more than likely that you thought of their heinous crimes and political affiliations with the Fascist, Socialist, and Communist parties, but why? Shakespeare explains it all through his character Mark Antony in the play titled Julius Caesar. After Caesar’s tragic death, Antony says, â€Å"The evil that men do lives after them; the good is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Caesar† but it is not just Caesar whose legacy has been tainted by this philosophy. Countless leaders including Hitler, Stalin and Zedong have been labeled as corrupt, ambitious, and evil men because the good was â€Å"interred with their bones†. The only influence they are recognized for are their crimes to humanity even though extraordinary economical, social, and technological advancements could not have been achieved without them. Joseph Stalin was one of the most important leaders that presided over the USSR in the 20th Century. There are a number of similar images of Stalin including but not limited to a leader of the Soviet Union, a ruthless tyrant whose policies led to the annihilation of millions, and a shrewd political leader. But his ability to raise the Soviet Union from a very poor economic environment to a booming industrialized nation in his first two years is often overlooked. Another positive achievement is the unprecedented liberation in social circles. Men and women were educatedShow MoreRelatedAntigone: Absolute Power Corrupts Essay1636 Words   |  7 Pagesabsolute power. Throughout the course of the play, Kreon abused his privilege of absolute power; and this caused him to suffer greatly, even though he was warned by a few people of his bad deeds. What Sophocles commented on absolute power was that one should not abuse it. If it was abused, he or she had to expect bad consequences. 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When Roderick Usher tells the narrator â€Å"I feel that the period will sooner or later arrive when I must abandon life and reason together, in some struggle with the grim phant asm† and when the narrator used the grim phantasm to bring a scary or bad feel into the story. In the story â€Å"fall of the House of Usher†Read MorePaganism : A Culture Based On Reason, And Their Stories1551 Words   |  7 Pageslikely where the phrase dont speak ill of the dead comes from. They wished at that time for only the glory, heroism, and honor to survive after a person physically dies. If the person was all bad, then they would not speak of that person so no children or young adults take that person as a model and the bad qualities of that person hopefully disappear. The honorable person will survive forever! These stories were told to children who were yet to complete their initiation so that they could chooseRead MoreEssay on Joheva Buried, Satan Dead by E. E. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019

Outsourcing in Business Management

Question: Describe about theOutsourcing in Business Management and Business Function?. Answer: Outsourcing Employee Cafeteria Outsourcing employee cafeteria involves contracting an external company to provide meals for employees within the company. This move has several advantages one of which is that it helps save the time of employees who cannot since not worry about food, but instead concentrate on their work(Nellis and Parker 2006). Secondly, contracted catering companies are always in preparation of quality meals for both employees and visitors (Phil 2009). Therefore, the company can remain assured that its human resource will access good quality and quantity food at any given time, making them to concentrate on their productivity in their areas of specialization. The only disadvantage is that the services could be expensive. Outsourcing General Ledger Accounting Outsourcing general ledger accounting services helps in cutting operational costs of a business. This is because the contracted company uses its own human and physical resources to maintain the ledger accounts for the business (Phil 2009). Secondly, outsourcing general ledger accounting assures a quality and accurate service. Since the company has experts who are specialized, it is likely that the work done will be accurate and high quality (Nellis and Parker 2006). Lastly, it saves on time, and the updating of ledger accounts is done within allowed deadlines for work submission. Outsourcing Corporate IT infrastructure Outsourcing IT infrastructure reduces operational costs for a company since the contracting company provides its own personnel (Nellis and Parker 2006). Secondly, since it is handled by the contracting company experts, there is likely to be a good quality service, with little shortages and disadvantages. Lastly, there is a likelihood of faster services within the company, allowing time for workers to concentrate on their work. Conclusively, outsourcing in technology management is paramount for majority of companies. References Phil Sayer (2009), The Benefits of Infrastructure Outsourcing Computer World. Retrieved 2016-5-21 G. Nellis; David Parker (2006). Principles of Business Economics. Financial Times Prentice Hall. p.213. ISBN978-0-273-69306-2.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Exploration of Individual Personality Types †

Question: Discuss about the Exploration of Individual Personality Types. Answer: Introduction: This reflective essay highlights the results of Myers Briggs 16-personality test results. The MBTI 16 Personality test results indicate my personality as an energizer (ESFP). The abbreviation ESFP indicates extraversion, sensing, feeling and perception as my characteristic traits. At the workplace, the individual traits play a crucial role, as this helps in coping up with the working environment and fulfilling the job roles and responsibilities successfully. The MBTI 16- Personality test results indicate my trait as energizers. The energizer trait in me highlights my highly sociable style and nature. My extrovert nature at workplace acts as a strength, as this highlights highly sociable nature within me. My workplace consists of fellow employees from diversified backgrounds and culture. In addition to, the workplace throws new challenges to me every day that I need to handle in order to achieve my results successfully. My extrovert or energizer nature draws me to others as well as n ew prospects and challenges every day at workplace creates excitement within me. Due to the aforementioned qualities, I am extremely free with my fellow workers. Due to my extrovert nature, I communicate freely with my fellow colleagues that have helped in creating a strong bonding and relationship among us. In addition to, learning new things from my fellow colleagues excites me, as I am able to learn new things due to their distinctive personality and cultures. My energizer trait helped me in creating a friendly, personal and purposeful working environment[1]. The establishment of such an environment at the workplace has helped in motivating the employees as well as creating the urge and enthusiasm within them. The building of positive and purposeful working environment at the workplace has improved the production and ensured better achievement of goals and objectives. Having a friendly nature while working as a team is necessary and my extrovert and friendly nature is a great help for the team to perform together and achieve desired goals and objectives. As I am friendly, my teammates are able to communicate with me freely that has helped us to build a strong relationship among us. As a result, we use each others strength and overcome each others weakness without any grudge and conflicts. The results of the MBTI personality test also highlight the optimistic and spontaneous nature within me. Due to these aforementioned traits, I love to have fun while working. I tend to seek energy and positivity from my surrounding people rather than from my inner self. For me, the entire world is a stage where I love to be the center of attraction and perform for the people. The nature of mine has helped me to have a positive attitude at work as well as towards my fellow colleagues. My optimistic nature has allowed me to have a positive approach towards the challenges at work that makes it easier for me solve it by responding appropriately[2]. My optimistic nature is extremely crucial for teamwork. This is because different individuals form a team. Thus, conflicts are noticed frequently within the team due to the difference in beliefs, attitudes and working style. This leads to negativity within the team that hampers the working environment as well as the relationship. My optimistic nature helps in bringing the team together, as I approach things with great positivity within the team. This helps in eradicating the negativity within the team along with solving the issue encountered within the team[3]. In addition to, the spontaneous nature within me helps in exceptionally while working within the team. My spontaneity nature encourages me to take initiatives within the team. As a result, positive attitude and initiative nature have helped me to bring in the entire team together. However, on the other hand, with the positives come to the negatives that I need to overcome in order to ensure effective team. One of the negatives traits includes my spontaneous nature. The nature of mine facilitates me to take initiatives within the team. However, I am so carried away with the nature that considering my fellow teammates is a major problem for me[4]. I have become the only person on the team that takes initiatives. My spontaneous nature sets back my fellow teammates who prefer to take initiatives for solving problems or completing the task. This has often resulted in conflicts within the team that has hampered the working environment. I need to improve this by considering the wishes and priorities of the other teammates[5]. For instance, during any activity I need to ask my fellow teammates whether would like to do it or shall I take the initiative. In addition to, if I am the one taking the initiative I can also ask my teammates for their contribution to completin g the activity. According to the test result, I have the characteristics trait of considering my experience and do what my senses tell me to do. I hardly depend on the patterns and the future possibilities. The nature of mine is extremely helpful while working with a team, as considering my experiences and the senses help me to strategize and plan based on reality[6]. This ensures a better rate of success within the team, as considering future possibilities will lead to the development of superficial plans and strategies. Using my feelings, values along with what I see to take decisions are another significant trait of my characteristics. This is crucial while working as a team because this helps me to take a fair decision by considering the values and the feelings. While working as a team, it is essential to consider the viewpoints and perspectives of all the teammates[7]. Thus, nature has helped me to consider the perspectives and viewpoints of all the teammates thereby, taking a fair and justified decision. I like to live my life by letting things happen and seeing where it takes me[8]. While working as a team, letting things happen on their own is essential, as this allows the teammates to carry on with the task according to their convenience thereby, establishing a positive and friendly working environment. References Al-Dujaily, Amal, Jieun Kim, and Hokyoung Ryu. "Am I extrovert or introvert? Considering the personality effect toward e-learning system."Journal of Educational Technology Society16.3 (2013). Kim, Jieun, Ahreum Lee, and Hokyoung Ryu. "Personality and its effects on learning performance: Design guidelines for an adaptive e-learning system based on a user model."International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics43.5 (2013): 450-461. Ayoubi, Rami, and Bayan Ustwani. "The relationship between student's MBTI, preferences and academic performance at a Syrian university."Education+ Training56.1 (2014): 78-90. Omar, Mazni, et al. "Assessing personality types preferences amongst software developers: a case of Malaysia."ARPN J. Eng. Appl. Sci., vol10 (2015): 1499-1504. Radwan, Nouran. "An adaptive learning management system based on learners learning style."International Arab Journal of e-Technology3.4 (2014): 7. Sethuraman, Kavitha, and Jayshree Suresh. "Effective leadership styles."International Business Research7.9 (2014): 165. Stoltz, Molly, Raymond Young, and Kevin Bryant. "Can teacher self-disclosure increase student cognitive learning?."College Student Journal48.1 (2014): 166-172. Yilmaz, Murat, Rory V. OConnor, and Paul Clarke. "An exploration of individual personality types in software development."European Conference on Software Process Improvement. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Fight club essay Essay Example

Fight club essay Essay Experiencing death and grief brings a new mindset to a persons life. Regardless of whether It Is a physical or emotional death, grieving for a person, or facing a broken dream, It defines and gives life a new meaning, along with a sense of happiness and gratefulness. It shows the other side of things, as its learning by experience, and this is one of the best ways to learn. In the book Fight club, the main character struggles and complains of his unimportant existence, and Marl is a suicidal, careless woman tit no motivation until she started attending cancer support groups, fell in love and experienced loss, when her life was given meaning. The men involved in the fights were seeking to add significance to their lives through the fights. It is in pain, death and grief that one acknowledges and appreciates reality, the hand of cards given to each one of us in life, and sets priorities straight and a passionate focus. Only through these feelings Is It possible that lifes fragility can be recognized and that maturity can be set In. With maturity comes setting Limits, values, and goals for ones life. In the book, Marl and the men of fight club show how Important pain Is as a part of the human experience, and that you have to embrace pain to experience life fully. For men, scars have a prideful meaning- it denotes grandiosity and bravery in living a life to its fullest. Scars bring about memories of moments of pain and that established a mark that changed our bodies from normal perfect skin to a place of reminiscence. We will write a custom essay sample on Fight club essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Fight club essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Fight club essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer In the book, fighting had a significant meaning. Being a men, being live, and having a body used for a purpose helped men overcome their fears. These fears were faced by these men every day. Fear of losing their job, or of staying in it for life, fear of not being able to use their strength or muscles, fear of not being able to feel, fear of continuing to live with a lack of guidance or paternal figure. It all started by an unusual moment where Tyler said, l want you to do me a favor. I want you to hit me as hard as you can. I didnt want to, but Tyler explained It all, about not wanting to die without any and then they fought. Tyler became that eternal figure for many and they all felt their lives were not a waste. They felt they had a purpose in life- to fight, to follow a leader, and to limit their time in wasteful things. Living under the shadow of death and pain brought acceptance to their lives. Embracing life by living on the edge of death was also the way Marl lived. She faked having cancer and explained how alive she felt at support groups. The narrator described [t]here was no real sense of life because she had nothing to contrast it with. Oh but now there was the dying and death and loss and grief Now that she knows where were all going, Marl feels every moment of her life (38). But where is this place we are all going? It is not that Marl was a believer of the existence of heaven, but that she now saw the light at the end of the tunnel and death, along with all of the grieving and mourning that was there, and she could feel those emotions and a sense of direction for her life. She was not sick, but she pretended being terminally ill to be able to belong with a group of those that had a purpose and a intense enjoyment and fulfillment. It was in having proof that the process of dying was taking place, like having some type of cancer, where the process of living started for her. The course of life in a cancer patient is reshaped dramatically when the diagnosis has been pronounced. In the TV show American Morning, CNN, 13 June 2003, Bill Hemmer said: you said cancer changed your life, and oftentimes for the better. To what Joel Siegel responded: Yes. Gilda Reader Said this in her book. What cancer does is, it forces you to focus, to prioritize, and you learn whats important. I mean, I dont sweat the small stuff. I used to get angry at cab drivers. Its not worth it. And when somebody says you have cancer, you realize its all small stuff. And what Gilda said is, if it werent for the downside, everyone would want to have it. But there is a downside. There is no way these realizations and priorities can be achieved in such a simple and fast way, unless cancer is in the picture. The suffering associated with cancer redefines what we used to think suffering was. There is a sense of freedom in this knowledge, in learning what is truly significant in fife and living only for those significant moments. The true significance of life originates when we realize that even in losing something, much is able to be gained in life. Fight club specifies this when the main character loses all of his belongings and starts changing his life significantly. Tyler tells the narrator Its only after youve lost everything, Tyler says, that youre free to do anything (70). Loss and failure teaches you what is it that you truly want from life and helps you set your priorities trait, because it is acting upon those priorities when your boring reality becomes an adventure, when you experience what fully living is. Gaining that meaning was accomplished by fighting, by inspiring other men to do the unthinkable, to dare to be how they really wanted to be and by caring for Marl, regardless of how unbalanced their relationship was. Support groups became supporting friends, and facing reality was the beginning of a healthy life for our narrator. Pain, loss and grief allow us to embrace life with freedom and live life to the fullest. 1019

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Weather Underground

The Weather Underground The official name of the group is Weatherman, but it was called â€Å"the Weathermen† and when members withdrew from public view, became the â€Å"Weather Underground.† The group, founded in 1968, was a splinter organization from the group Students for a Democratic Society. The name comes from a song by American rock/folk singer Bob Dylan, Subterranean Homesick Blues, which contains the line: You dont need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows. Objectives According to the groups 1970 Declaration of War against the United States, its goal was to lead white kids into armed revolution. In the view of the group, revolutionary violence was necessary to combat what they perceived as a war against African-Americans, and military actions overseas such as the Vietnam war and the invasion of Cambodia. Notable Attacks and Events May 19, 1972: The group set off a bomb in the Pentagon.March 1, 1971: The bombing of the U.S. Capitol was designed to protest the US invasion of Laos, according to a communiquà © issued at the time. There were several hundred thousand dollars of property damage, but no one was injured.March 6, 1970: Three members were killed while making bombs in a Greenwich Village house. This incident drove the group fully underground.October 8, 1969: The violent Days of Rage riot was staged by the Weathermen in Chicago, to protest the Vietnam war. History and Context Weather Underground was created in 1968, during a tumultuous moment in American and world history. To many, it appeared that national liberation movements and left-leaning revolutionary or guerrilla movements were harbingers of a different world than that which prevailed into the 1950s. This new world, in the eyes of its proponents, would upend political and social hierarchies between developed and less developed countries, between races, and between men and women. In the United States, a student movement loosely organized around these new left ideas grew over the course of the 1960s, becoming increasingly vocal and radical in its ideas and activities, especially in response to the Vietnam War and the belief that the United States was an imperialist power. Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) was the most prominent symbol of this movement. The university student group, founded in 1960 in Ann Arbor, Michigan, had a broad platform of goals related to their critiques of American military interventions overseas and their charges of racism and inequality in the United States. The Weather Underground came out of this ethos but added a militant spin, believing that violent action was required to effect change. Other student groups in other parts of the world were also of this mind in the late 1960s.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

International Marketing Strategy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

International Marketing Strategy - Assignment Example A key issue for the company is the positioning strategy for the products; whether it should sustain the luxury image line or give in to modern design trends in order to broaden its target markets. This paper critically analyzes the influence of cultural environmental changes on Wedgwood's international marketing strategy in UK, Japan and USA. In the end, the paper summarizes a range of proposed strategies for the Wedgwood brands. Traditionally the houseware and specialties market, including the tableware market, has been characterized by slow yet steady market growth (Morgan et al, 2005). The compound annual growth rate for the market between 2000 and 2004 is 5.1% (Datamonitor, 2005). The market performance, respectively Wedgwood's sales have been driven by some strong consumer shopping preferences and spending patterns in several of the world's developed economies (Datamonitor, 2005). Internationally, Wedgwood operates in eastern (Japan) and western (Europe and USA) markets that have different cultural characteristics in terms of language, religion, and context in communications, values and many other aspects. For a product category like tableware that is culture-dependent, the socio-cultural aspects in Japan, United Kingdom and USA exercise key influence on local demand. These factors determine local branding and positioning and should guide Wedgwood in developing local marketing and communications strategies. The cultural elements that shape demand are grouped by Geert Hofstede according to five large dimensions - power distance, individualism and collectivism, masculinity and femininity, uncertainty avoidance and long versus short term orientation (Wikipedia, Geert Hofstede, 2006). All the three markets are masculine cultures (Wikidedia, Geert Hofstede, 2006), which reflects in more assertive behaviour, and visible search for achievements and self-expression (Wikipedia, Masculine and Feminine Cultures, 2006). The US market is characterized to be the most individualistic culture, whereas Japan is characterized by Hofstede as a collectivistic culture of the so called "community man" (Wikipedia, Collectivist and Individualist cultures, 2006). Still, social and economic changes in the Japanese society, "the end of guaranteed lifetime employment, [] and the loss of confidence in Government and financial institutions []" have shifted the collectivistic behaviour towards greater expressed indiv iduality and customization. What this means to Wedgwood is that it is increasingly facing similar demographic and cultural patterns on a global scale. Cultural changes are reflected in the need for self-expression, uniqueness and independence (Wikipedia, Collectivism and Individualism Cultures, 2006). Consumers look for products that closely fit their lifestyle and express their individuality better. Casual dining, frequent eating out, the decrease in importance