Tuesday, February 25, 2020

US Foreign Policy in the Middle East Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

US Foreign Policy in the Middle East - Essay Example Different foreign policies get suited for different regions with regard to the goals sought. The realist perspective in international relations alludes that countries will act in their selfish interests going against whatever moral consideration there may be. The basis of this is study of the nature of humans and the need to be out of harms way. Realism views look at the international pool as an archaic system with no checks placed on sovereign states (Mingst 12). Foreign policy ought to be firmly defined through realism. The type of foreign policy fronted by the government should be beneficial to that country and achievable. The stand taken by the authorities should be supported by the nation’s population. This creates a sense of belonging and contribution in as far as effective governance gets concerned. Over the years, several foreign policy statements have become challenged because they do not depict the feelings of the population. It is in this light that opinions should be sought from the public through consultation and involvement in decision making (Jackson 66). The US foreign policy in the Middle East should involve a wide consideration of dynamics. It should look into the sociological, economic and political perspectives and possible impacts of policies made. The US foreign policy in the Middle East should view the region as a new hub for economic gain. The Middle East boasts of the world’s largest oil reservoirs. Oil wells in the United States are drying up at alarming rates. The US policy in the Middle East should encourage mutually beneficial trade between the two trading blocks (Sorensten 116). With the current state of affairs where the US is massively indebted especially to China, new trading partner should be found. Trade treaties that allow for continued investments in the Middle East should be encouraged. Movement of goods and services between the two blocks should be monitored to ensure that

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Casual Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Casual Analysis - Essay Example The problem of obesity especially in American South highly relates to the daily lifestyles of people both socially and economically. Hence, the study will focus on the causative analysis on the increase percentage of obesity problem among the American South. Poverty is one of the causative factors of obesity among people living in the American South states. Poverty has a great relationship with the likelihood of a person becoming obese. This is because the poor people mainly focus on eating cheap affordable food despite the food being of low nutritional value and high fat content (Trust for American Health Web). Moreover, most food spots in American South states sell high fat and processed foods. Since such types of food are cheaper as to healthy food budget, most poor families in the South prefer buying fatty foods. Notably, the daily unhealthy consumption of fatty foods increase the fat deposit in the body that may lead to obesity, Lack of exercise significantly contributes to the level of obesity among children and adults in the American South. Remarkably, the low economic standards, most families lead working extra time to meet the daily requirements in the family hence giving the breadwinner almost no time to spend in physical exercises. Moreover, the limited space and playground for children in some of the American South state may also be a contributing factor to lack of exercise among children and adult. Additionally, children from poor families are likely not to participate in organized sports because of lack of funds to cater for transport and expenses incurred during the sporting period. Thus, the unattractiveness of a playground, lack of space and strained budget may lead to lack of exercise among American South people contributing to obesity. Bad eating habits also contribute to the trend of obesity problems experienced in America. Today, people prefer consume sugar-sweetened beverages, food with high calorie density, and processed and fried foods t o healthy food (Trust for American Health Web). This is because most healthy foods are more expensive and less accessible in most food stalls. Therefore, studies indicate that most of American consumes twice the amount of calories daily than the body require. Thus, this poses a threat to getting health related diseases like obesity. Moreover, overeating is an eating disorder that may lead to obesity. For instance, eating too much of carbohydrates and fatty food pose a risk to a person developing obesity complications faster than a person who takes a balanced diet. Therefore, eating disorders may be a contributing factor to obesity trend in most American South states. Genetics is another causative factor that may lead to high rate of obesity problem in American South people. Research has indicated that obesity could be inherent in family because of the functionality of gene deposition. American Association for the Advancement of Science postulates that when two parents are obese, the child is six times likely to become obese and if one parent is obese, there is a double chance for the child to be obese (22). Moreover, most babies born with weight above ten pounds are twice likely to become overweight when growing up. Thus, such statistics could explain on the increased trend of highest obesity conditions in American South states. Since research indicated that more than 50% of the American S